Saturday, July 14, 2012

Well, here I sit disappointed, that I am working out more than ever this past few weeks, and the numbers on the scale are going UP!!! I know that I shouldn't worry about the number, but for me it becomes an obsession, I just want it to say a nice number one day!! Why is it, that I know all the rules about working out, yes I am gaining muscle, but really why cant that jelly roll in the middle of my body just start shrinking a little bit faster.

Ive started going to a kickboxing/boxing circuit , it truly is fun and an amazing workout. I feel great every time I finish, and the sweat is pouring off my body. And two days after going, my calves are still reminding me I was there. I am kid and husband free this weekend, so after my oatmeal, I'm off to kick some butt this morning. I know I just have to stick with it, and it will come....but the wait....ugh....not so fun!!!!

Have a great weekend everyone, after working out, Ill be painting the deck, that aught to give me a good arm work out as well!

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